
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dresser Before & After

It's done. It's finally done. The snow was my motivation to hurry it up. It definitely took longer than I thought it would. Thankfully, I my little sister was willing to be roped into helping me with the sanding. Brilliant idea on my part. I got to spend time with her and get all the sanding done in half the time it would take me by myself. Thanks, Sierra!

I love how it turned out and am excited to have an attractive piece of furniture in my bedroom. Our old dresser is so downright ugly, I hid it in the closet. Can't wait to move it out and get a few more shoe racks. Then I have an excuse to go shoe shopping, right?

This was my first go at staining. It took more coats than I thought it would but was fun to watch the top transform in the process. My first time using paste finishing wax too. Love that stuff! It was so quick and easy with very little mess. I'm sold.

There's my cute little family. I wrapped the canvas myself and didn't do the most amazing job. My husbands head was so close to the top I had to really work at not cutting his head off while wrapping. I bought the photo (20X30) at Costco for eight bucks. The canvas was the matching Pooh Bear to my Eeyore canvas redo.


  1. Amazing redo...and I can't believe you wrapped the canvas yourself...yay, you! Stopping by from the Thankful for our Community blog hop...great blog! Megan from

  2. I am in love with this piece. What brand and color did you use for the white.
    Lisa @ Creative Raisins

    1. It's Dutch Boy Baby Formula. Makes it sound so attractive, right? :) I love it.

  3. Looks amazing! Much better than before!

    Visiting from Sugar Bee Crafts

  4. Beautiful. I'm lovin the wood tone on top.

  5. looks gorgeous- love the wood top! i love your blog header, too- so cute!

  6. Hi Lisa, you did an amazing job. It turned out beautiful. I'm featuring you later this evening on Transformed Tuesday. Thanks so much for linking up. Hugs, Peggy
