
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Under Construction

It's been two weeks since I've last posted. 2 weeks! How times flies! Can you believe October is more than halfway over??

My lack of posts is not due to a lack of want. I have a stack of yummy fabric begging me to cut into them but we are under construction at the moment. The project I thought would take a couple of weeks has dragged on for six now. However, I am so pleased with how it's turning out. We've done new flooring/floorboard on the main floor of our house and have redone the entire kitchen. I'm picking out the grout today.

It's feeling like a whole new house and I can't wait to get crafty decorating it.

I've got a project with tutorial and pattern coming up as soon as I can steal some time to finish it. Just thought I'd give a small update so you don't feel too abandoned. I'm sure you've all been worried about me. ;) I know I have. I need my crafting time!

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