
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Crochet Along Cowl

If you've checked out my side bar in the past couple of weeks you've seen a fancy new button for a crochet along at Maybe Matilda. I use to crochet a lot. A whole lot. It's been years since I've crocheted something that takes longer than an hour to finish.

The first crochet along project is a scowl. I went out and bought three skeins of super bulky yarn just like the pattern called for. Here's a photo just after I started making my scowl. It's really thick and fabulous but the farther I got the more my yarn screamed at me. It wanted to be a baby blanket. It told me so. So I listened. 

It's chunky and warm and I love it. I tripled the width of the cowl pattern starting with 90 in my chain instead of the called for 30. 11 skeins later it's complete. But it doesn't count as my cowl...

Let's here it for self portraits! I took like 20 photos and this is the only one that has the entire cowl in it. So sad. I look zombified.

And here I am wearing my cowl at Gardner Village today with my mummy. :)

Also, please head over to Maybe Matilda's site Friday and vote for my cowl! She's helped me remember why I use to crochet and how much I love doing so. If you've ever wanted to learn how to crochet head over to her site too! She's posted some simple step-by-step instructions with photos. 


  1. Who! You made a baby blanket and a cowl! I'm thoroughly impressed. I love them both!

  2. Dang, girl, you made a blanket?! I love it! And your cowl is gorgeous, too . . . you did a great job!

  3. Okay, I admit, I came back to look at it again . . . it's just that pretty :-) And in my second reading of this post, I caught that you think you look zombified in your picture . . . first of all, no ma'am, you look gorgeous, but more importantly, kudos to you for coining my new favorite word. Zombified . . . that's fun :-)

  4. Oh, and also, (sorry, I am commenting the CRAP out of this post) I didn't realize you live in Utah! We're neighbors! (Well, maybe, I guess I still don't know where in Utah you are.) We just moved to Draper :-)

  5. Very pretty!!! I like the color of the yarn as well (I love red!). Was it impossible to get your other triple-cowl on photo?

  6. @Rachel- I love that you commented the crap out of my post! Makes me feel extra special. We live in Eagle Mountain. We are neighbors. Draper is close.

    @Regina- I didn't make a triple cowl though I want to. :) It's a baby afghan.

  7. How fun is that? Making a baby blanket when you started out making a cowl? Not one to get carried away (in a good way) are we?

    Both the blanket and the cowl are lovely. I've already started on another one...Christmas gifts, ya know!
