
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Knots & Lentils

Nothing too crazy to share today...
Unless you call a lady taking photos of herself in the mirror crazy. You can just call me the camera face lady in the crazy green bathroom. Go ahead, I won't mind. I wish my lips showed so I could sport some lush ruby red lipstick.
 Oh there we go. Hi! That's me, Lisa, semi washed out. I was trying to make the headband noticeable. Bad idea to use a navy blue for pictures sake. I'll add that to my "notes to self." I followed this knotted crochet headband tutorial.  My sweet mums whipped up a crocheted headband this weekend as well that I totally dug. I wish I had a photo...but I don't. :) There's another note to self- take your camera wherever you go! You never know when something fabulous will emerge. 
And my new recipe for the week was this Lentil Chili. I just discovered my love for lentils a few months ago. Who knew they were so scrumptious? This chili was cheap to make (it was a last minute dinner decision that I just so happen to have everything in the house for) and low fat. It took about an hour to simmer for the lentils to soften unlike the 25 minutes the recipe called for. I also had to add extra liquid since it took that long. It didn't blow me away but I'll happily eat the leftovers.


  1. okay cutest head band ever!! I am totally making one!! :)

  2. haha!! I made one! Its off white and so extra cute! pictures possibly to come? :) Thanks for the awesome tip! :)

  3. Woohoo! So nice to hear someone found a post useful. :) Sadly I didn't even know you know how to crochet. I guess being related to Gram you'd have to! I'd love to see it. Mallory told me I looked funny with mine on and then asked me to make her a light blue one. Silly girl.

  4. I love the knot part of it!!! So dang cute! Sierra told me that I was basically too old to wear something like this :( oh well. I'll have fun making some for you younger generation :) xoxoxo

  5. I'm sure she thinks I'm too old too. Bah Humbug!

  6. It's adorable! Too funny that I saw your OTHER headband first and didn't notice this one! It looks great on you and I'm glad you like it! I'm following you now--your blog is so cute! :-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
