
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Easter Eggs & Meatballs

This week I felt like making something for my favorite holiday- Easter. I followed this tutorial and made a few calorie free no-mess eggs. My kids have had a ball throwing them and kicking them about as well. I'll have to make them a set of their own so mine stay nice and clean. They were simple and quick to make.
As you can see I pretty much just skipped right on over Valentine's Day. My apothecary jars are still all winter wonderland-ed out. I had a handful of tutorials I was planning on getting to but it never happened. I've been sucked of all energy and motivation! This coming week there are no excuses though. I must roll up my sleeves and dig in.

We did a lot of eating out this week. I do love cooking but I also love eating out. :) I did try out this recipe for porcupine sweet and sour meatballs. My husband and kids liked them and nothing went to waste. I though it was odd the recipe didn't call for any catchup. If I make it again I'd add it to kick up the sweetness. 


  1. Okay, I'm stealing your egg idea! So stinking cute! And I need soft "balls" for Fox to through around (He throws anything thats ball shaped, and usually its a hard, heavy plastic ball). And the food looks delish!

  2. That's what I post them for! So we can all have cute or fun projects to do and new recipes to try out.

    I made William one that's a little bigger than the ones photographed (which are about the size of a real egg). It's fun to watch him through it and not have to worry about him pegging something or someone.

  3. cutey patootey eggs! and great looking meatballs :)

  4. cute. CUTE! just looked at everything - love the little crafties, straightforwardness of your writing, and the foooooood - yum! can't wait to see more :)
