
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disney Gang & Cookies

I've been crazy busy this week so please forgive me for my all-over-the-place posts I've been dishing out. First I wanted to share some invitations I've made that I hold near and dear to my heart. Please forgive me if you read my card site and are seeing these twice.

Please also forgive the double watermark. I forgot to save it without and instead of editing the photo twice just slapped on my "stubbornly crafty" watermark as well. Don't want you to think I'm taking credit for someone else's work. :) 

I made the Mickey invitations for my daughters 2nd birthday in April 2009. Minnie came shorty after, Donald last week, and Goofy was finished this morning. I am so a Disney freak. 

I also tried out this recipe for thick, soft, and chewy chocolate chip cookies. I made a couple batches with a 1 inch ice cream scoop for the kids (bakes 7 minutes) and then a couple batches using the 2 inch scoop like the recipe calls for. I'd call this recipe the perfect party cookie recipe. They taste good and look good (I was excited I didn't have to edit my photos for once too! One day I'll get this digital photography thing down...hopefully.). If you're going for the gooey you-might-as-well-be-eating-straight-cookie-dough kind of cookie these aren't it. They hold form, are soft, and great flavor. No gooey. 

I also had a couple features this week (added to my "featured" page). If you care to see who, what, and where feel free to check them out. A big thank you for the features ladies!!


  1. Those Disney invitations are so cute, my boys are Disney crazy at the moment! Yummy looking cookies, never tried making my own, might have to give it ago!

    Well done on your features!

  2. Love these! I have been trying to convince Tavan that he wants a disney 2nd bday....but, he is very persistent about it being a cars party...but if ever he changes his mind, i know who i am calling!

  3. Love!! They are so stinking cute :)

  4. Wow! What great invitations! I love them!

  5. hey! thoose invitations are great! can i ask you fro some instructions ? i'm from indonesia, and i need your help soon! please contact me asap at thank's a lot dear!

  6. Those are so cute..! Instructions would be appreciated... please contact me at thank you.

  7. Sorry me again ^ its mandy.payan@

  8. Great invitations!! Is there a place where I can find directions on how to make them? I looked closely at the picture, it almost looks like leather sewn together. Any help, instructions, templates would be so wonderful!!! You are talented!! Thanks!!
