
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Airing Out My Drawers

My junk drawer that is. Sassy Sites is having a drawer party. Clean a drawer and upload a photo. Today I cleaned our junk drawer.

Yeah, that's totally a cardboard box lid. It works and cost me nothing. Nothing is the best price. The drawer was a mess filled with documents that should be in the file cabinets, lots of tools from our kitchen reno we finished last month (before and after, perhaps?), and junk that I disposed of. Now it feels empty. Empty is good.

Here's my craft desk drawers. I organized them like this a month or two ago and they still are organized! It's a crafty miracle.

Won a jelly roll (Moda fabric) last week and a stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils today. It's like the blog gods are urging me to post. I purchased a stencil from Cutting Edge in June to do my living room wall. I super-duper love my wall like a fat kid loves cake. Now to decide what stencil and which room to stencil. Any suggestions?? Master bedroom? My son's room? The landing at the top of the stairs that is sad and ignored? So many options...


  1. Nice! You can come to my house and organize for me!

  2. I was led here via Pinterest! I love this, and I actually think I have a shot at making it! Thanks!!
