
Saturday, May 28, 2011

DIY Flower Corsage Tutorial

My dear Grammy just had her 83rd birthday. Happy Birthday, Grammy! I've been trying to think of what to get for her that she'd appreciate. I know she likes a thoughtful handmade gift and I know she loves the corsage she gets every year for Mother's Day so I decided to make her a corsage she could wear all year round.
Here is what I came up with and here is how you can make one too. 

Supplies needed-

Twelve 1.5 inch felt circles
One 1 inch felt circle
Two 2 inch felt circles
Corsage Pin 
Hot Glue Gun
One or two leaves (I grabbed mine off of some silk flowers but you could make some out of felt as well)

Optional Supplies-

Cut out 12 1.5-inch circles. I use the smallest Spellbinders die and my cuttlebug. It will turn out fabulous if you just cut your circles out by hand without the scalloped edges as well. 

Use the first of your larger 2-inch circles (second size up if you're using the dies) as your base. 

Fold your first 1.5-inch circle in half and then in half again (like the bottom two photos). On the second fold, add a little dab of hot glue at the bottom to help keep it closed.
Glue the folder circle to your 2-inch base, keeping it lined up with the outer edge. Do four more circles like this, lining each up around the outside edge. 

For your second layer, keep folding your circles in half, and then half again. The second layer is also made up of five folded circles. Glue them on the lines where two of the first layers' circles meet. Make sure they too line up with the outer edge of the circles of your first layer so the flower's pedals will all be equal.

Cut the ends of your leaves off. Line them up however you like them to look and glue them to the back. 
Open up your pin. Take your smallest circle (the one-inch) and glue it on to the inside of your pin. Take your second two-inch circle and glue it onto the back of the flower over top the leaves to cover up the glue mess. Then glue the living daylights of the smaller circle attached to the pin and attach it to the back. Tada! Pin it on and admire its fabulousness.    


  1. This is the cutest thing ever! Seriously. I love it. Your Grammy will be so excited, she loves this kind of stuff! xoxxo

  2. This is great! Would love it if you'd link it up to my 20 minute tuesday party tomorrow ;)
    Happy Memorial Day!

  3. Love your blog!! I am definitely going to be your new follower :) I would love it if you followed me to @ that would be great :) I am just starting out, but I am excited to share new recipes, crafts, and makeup.. And Giving away giveaways on mineral make-up!!

  4. Such pretty flowers...great job on them. I'm always looking for new ideas on flowers...

  5. SOOOO beautiful and what a gorgeous image, LOVE your ideas!!!!!


  7. The diy flower corsage tutorial is shared on the post here read to know more

  8. Thanks lisa for the tutorial. It's an awesome corsage.

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