
Friday, August 26, 2011

Flip Flops

It's been quite the day so far. This little lady (my 4 year old Mallory) had preschool orientation this afternoon. My little boy who turns 2 in November decided to through his first ever major tantrum while we were in this tiny classroom stuffed with parents and preschoolers. That hour felt like an eternity. I'm feeling a bit fried. Stupid terrible 2's taking over my sweet boy. :)

I did manage to finish a shirt I started for my daughter at the beginning of the summer this morning. Who knew this green would be so hard to match?! To make it I just appliqued some flip flop soles, hand sewed some ribbon in a "V" and added a couple yo-yo flowers. As Mallory would say, "easy peasy lemon squeezy."

I'll post the owl pattern as soon as I possibly can! Thanks for stopping in!


  1. This is such a darling shirt!! So creative! Sorry about 2 year old's and tantrums :( Take heart~ they do grow out of it, somewhere around 21 :) xoxoxoxo

  2. Lovely ideas for kids, thanks for sharing
