
Monday, October 1, 2012

A little bit Batty!

 Happy October!! I figured we should start out October with a little Halloween fun! 

 I came up with these little simple hanging bats this last week, and I must say I am in love with them!! 

 They are made from an easy ball pattern with the wings and ribbons sewn in. The wings also have pellon inside to make them a little more stiff. Then I hand sewed on some felt eyes! And wa-la! Adorable hanging bats!! 

And my kids can play with them or throw them around and nothing/no one gets hurt. It's fantastic! Only 30 days left until Halloween!! I better start on my other spooky projects!! 

Kira Dee


  1. I love them! Don't you have my name for Christmas?? I don't think you do...but you should. :)

  2. Love your bats - they're adorable! It would never have occurred to me to use a ball as the base for the bat (how's that for alliteration?) - that's such a great idea!

  3. Look at the crafty you! So cute! The eyes are perfect! xoxoxo

  4. So so cute. Visiting from Come visit!


  5. Hello Kira! Found your blog at the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop, what a lovely blog you have, liked it a lot so I'm following! ^^ Hope you can drop by mine too and pay me a visit : )
    Aw, the bats look so cute! My fav is the checkered one hehe xx
    N O I R E D A M E

  6. So so cute! Pinning and following now from Welcome Wednesdays!

  7. Hi there Kira! Found your blog at the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. Congrats on being the spotlight blog this week! I am completely in LOVE with those adorable little bats and will be doing them with my own two boys.

  8. Those bats are totally gorgeous (in a bat-like way of course!) You seem to have lots of crafty ideas too which I like :)


  9. Very sweet and funny project!
    I found you via Welcome Wednesday blog hop

  10. Stopping by from Welcome Wednesday. I have added your blog to my WordPress reader, looking forward to receiving your posts!

  11. LOVE your fabric pumpkins and especially LOVE the bats!
    I am hosting a Halloween Link Drive thru Oct.31.
    I would really love it if you joined with either(or better yet) both of these projects!
    Here's the link...please come post with us!

  12. Cute! I love these!
