
Friday, September 16, 2011


Here's one of those random posts where I write about some of the recipes I've tried out recently that received the thumbs up from my family. I am not the biggest fan of cooking (baking is a different story) but by trying new recipes often it makes it a lot more fun...and also messy. Posting about them is a nice way for me to keep track of recipes I'd like to make again and if you see something you'd like to try too, bonus!

First up, homemade Olive Garden bread sticks. I love the O.G. In fact we went there for dinner tonight thanks to a random gift card found in our couch cushions while moving the furniture. Delicious. The butter you put on while baking is way too salty. And I like my salt. Lower the sodium addage and they are killer. With them I made this recipe for Zuppas (one of my other favorite restaurants) Toscana soup. I'd do less kale and more potatoes next time and invite another couple for dinner. It made a lot.

I make breakfast foods for dinner once a week. It's fast, easy, usually cheap, and doesn't get any whining about how "disgusting" it is from the kids. One night I made these Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes. Let them brown, way tasty, and I used less poppy seeds. It called for just about the whole bottle. I really wish we'd have had the addition of whipped cream as well. 

And my husbands favorite was this Cheesy Enchilada Casserole. The kids even surprised me and liked it too. That's my two cents. If you made it this far you get a virtual high five for sticking with me through my ramblings. You rock! 

1 comment:

  1. No you rock Lisa! Breakfast for dinner. Huh? My pick from these would be the Enchilada Casserole. You say your kids surprised you by liking it. I can't imagine anybody wouldn't. ;•)
