
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Casablanca Wall

I'm bummed. I've searched and searched but my computer refuses to turn up my before pictures. Bummed. I scrolled through a bajillion photos and not one showed this side of the room. I guess I just never take a picture facing the TV. Let me paint you a quick picture. Overstuffed messy shelves. Plain wall. Old photo of my husband and I with our daughter who was a couple months old at the time (she's now four).

A week later and my stenciled wall is complete. I didn't even slack (like usual). I worked on it daily. I read other bloggers posts about their gumdrops and rainbows stenciling experiences and was shocked when my wall took hours upon hours. Totally worth it now but it sure was frustrating. I adore my snazzy new wall. I did read a "Wall Stenciling 101" post on Vintage Revivals yesterday that made me feel happy to know I'm not the only one that was frustrated and had issues in the process. She gives some suggestions I wish I'd had a week ago. :)

You can get the stencil I used at Cutting Edge Stencil. They suggest your base color paint to be a flat finish and ours is satin. I'd have to wait 20 plus minutes for it to dry after each section. So don't do that and it may not take you as long as it did me.

I love my mirror but don't think this is the right place for it. Down the road I hope to have a mantel (like this one here) to rest it on. It needs something round. Sunburst mirror maybe... Anyway, rambling. Color scheme suggestions?? Anyone? As you can see I have zero color. I like neutrals but this is a bit overly boring. Our couches are dark brown. No red. It seems to always be my go to fall back color. Of course the wall stays the same...but the furniture, now that's a different story...


  1. What about a tealy turquoisey color? You have a shirt you wear to church that would be perfect. Then you could do throw pillows in that. You could even throw in a splash of bright pink in flowers or a throw here and there. It would go with the neutrals well then easily changed for Christmas. By a shot of pink you should see my bedroom and what I did there. It's not much but gives a sense of whimsy and sillyness like nothing else.

    Your stenciled wall looks superb. I am in awe of your talents.


  2. That wall looks fantastic!! Good work Lis!! I think color would look good also, but I stink for that kind of good luck :)

  3. Wow, it looks beautiful! I love it! You did a great job stenciling . . . I don't think I'm patient enough for it. At all. But I love how it turned out!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
