
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sweet & Simple Skirt

My sister-in-law and I got together today and whipped a couple of skirts up for our girls.
It was simple and quick. I bought a half yard of the yellow and a yard and a half of the main fabric. After three skirts (infant, 2T, & 4T) we still had some leftover of both fabrics. 
My little girl got a bit excited about her new skirt and the photo shoot.
Oh Geeze. Note to self- don't let my 4 year old watch America's Next Top Model with me anymore. :) Getting a little too fierce. 

You can find the skirt tutorial here.

Favorite new recipe this week- Aztec Chicken with Pico de Gallo. We tried a lot of not so good ones this week too. Always an adventure...

Oh yes, I almost forgot! My desk redo was featured on Scissors & Spatulas as well as Sassy Sites! Thanks so much ladies!!


  1. I LOVE your model! And her "smizing" eyes! Love that sassy "hands on hips" pose! Such a cute skirt, she looked thrilled about it! xoxoxo

  2. Hahaha!! I love it!! At least she's not hiding from the camera any more, she's embracing it ;) hehehe. But I really love the skirt. Perhaps we can make some when I come?...I really want to make an adult skirt to sometime though. I need new dresses :)

  3. So cute! Thanks for linking last week to Thrifty Thursday!

  4. I knew that show was toxic. Dadgum models and their hoochie ways. ;)
